I took this picture from a gasoline station in San Juan, Manila, Philippines last Monday night:
I have filled up my tank twice already (one before the New Year and one last Monday night) and its really PHP 30.10, this is the lowest price I can remember in the last 12 months. I’m posting this since I’m very curious on how the other stations (same oil company) offer the same unleaded gasoline at PHP 33.07 and PHP 32.97. I asked the gasoline boy on why their price is lower than the others he says he doesn’t know. Btw, forget about the price of the premium gas, I think there’s something wrong with the LED system.
If you:
- are interested to know where exactly is this gasoline station (hey this is good savings if you’re in the vicinity) or
- know the reason for the non-standard pricing of this oil company or
- have any violent comment/reaction
kindly leave a comment here to this post
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