Free Six Facebook Tips

Blog Experiences

In tradition of the Free Six Video and six tagalog love quotes posts, I’m bringing you some Free Six Facebook Tips. If you’re concerned on your privacy with Facebook read on:

1. Decide on your use of Facebook
If you’re going to use it purely for getting in touch with your loved ones, family and long lost friends then I think the default setting are fine. But when you already got business contacts, work colleagues and other professional contacts mixed with your friends then things can get complicated. After deciding your preference of use, then consider the other next tips below.

2. Create Facebook Friends List
I like to bucket my Facebook friends into a more manageable group, and not just one whole big happy Facebook friend group. My personal favorites includes “High School Buddies”, “College Buddies”, “Office Buddies”, “Family”, “Business Contacts” and the likes.

This is the use of the Facebook Friends feature.
This can help you properly setup the other tips below.
An important note here is that a friend can be a member of 2 or more groups.

3. Tweak your Facebook Privacy Settings
This is the core of this post. This setting can be accessed by going to the Settings Tab and clicking the Privacy Settings from the drop down list or via Facebook Privacy Setting Page

In this page, you can set who can view your Profile, Basic info, Personal Info, Status Updates, Photo and Video Tags of yourself, Friends, Wall Posts and Educational and Work info.

You set the viewing exclusive for Friends or to the Friends of Friends (network of friends). I suggest that make your contact information private, and then set the rest of the options into friends

4. Be careful with the Facebook Photo and Video Tagging feature
Related to the last tip, this feature is very prone to mistakes (accidental) and if you have “bad” friends, they can sometimes do intentional ones too 🙂 . Ever heard of stories of the boss seeing their employee’s inappropriate photos after the last night’s drinking session with his buddies? Or the business contact getting turned off by the unprofessional photo on the similar scenario?

If you’re really a privacy freak, you can tweak this setting (see tip no. 3) so that only you yourself can view your photo and video tags of you.

5. Avoid Inappropriate Wall posts
Actually this is mostly based on some personal preference of an individual. But just like the video and photo tagging feature, wall posts can also be seen by others, so be careful what to place there.

6. Avoid Using Facebook Proxy
Facebook proxy is a server that bypasses corporate firewall and other security measures so that you can access Facebook and other social networking sites from offices and school networks. I believe your company and or your school really wants to improve your productivity as well as safeguard their networks. Most of these Facebook proxy (or proxies) have some associated network security risks (read: viruses and worms) that I will discuss in one of the future posts.

Hey before I end this post, let me give some disclaimer: I’m not a Facebook expert. I just recently created one for myself since it is helpful for me as a blogger. I have been tweaking its settings to fit my preferences and I have read some awful stories on the Facebook privacy issues as well as some helpful articles hence this post. Hope this helps you even a little bit.

If you find this useful, feel free to comment on this post, or drop me a note via my contact page. Or Better yet link it from your blog, Facebook, wherever ok? I can forward you some other helpful articles if you’re interested on this topic.