Facebook Farm Town Cheats and Tips Part 2


Last week Facebook Farm Town Game rolled out some cool updates. Just like my Farm Town Cheats post, I’m sharing them here:
1. First of all, you can now hire your friends, buddies and neighbors to plow your farm. In my opinion is a very creative move from the Farm Town Team since this new feature enables more interaction among Facebook online friends. Hiring your friends to plow your farm enables them you to save coins in plowing (less 50% if friend is a neighbor, less 25% otherwise) and let you and your friend earn experience points. Great idea from the developers.

2. The update also introduced some new seeds that you can plant.

This raspberry seeds is a good choice for the power levelers (ready to harvest in 2 hours)

cottonCotton is a good choice for middle level farmers who wants long harvest time.

new seeds

And these new seeds are very cool especially for high level players. Good yield on coins (for both the farmer and the harvester). I guess they will start to be unlocked by level 26.

3. Farm Town Trophy and Rewards system also have some major modifications

Farm Town Trophy 1

From the previous 8 point system, the trophy to be collected grew to 14.

Farm Town Trophy 24. They also updated the flower seeds available to the players.

White Rose

flowers 6seed4seed3seed2Special thanks to Raven for the help in identifying new flower seeds.

If you want to know more Farm Town Cheats and Tips, kindly visit my Facebook Farm Town posts:

Free Six Info: Facebook Farm Town Cheats and Tips
Facebook Farm Town Cheats and Tips Part 3

Facebook Farm Town Cheats and Tips Part 4

Facebook Farm Town Cheats and Tips Part 5


Facebook Farm Town Cheats and Tips Part 6: Free FarmCash