Free Six Info: Fishville Cheats and Tips


Fishville is a newest addition to the wonderful collection of Facebook games from Zynga. Most probably you are searching for some Fishville cheats or tips, and I will not keep you waiting. In the in the tradition of my six Cafe World Cheats, my six Mafia Wars Cheats,  my six social city cheats, my six Farm Town Cheats, my six Mybrute Cheats, my six Philippine Lotto tips, and my Free Six Video posts I am sharing some six info, tips and cheats for Facebook Fishville.

#1. What is Fishville? It is a virtual aquarium game in Facebook. It was quite controversial on the first launch since there were advertising violations, which resulted to Facebook taking it offline while Zynga fix the ads issue, but now all is ok now. Look at my fish tank now


How do you play fishville? There is a tutorial in the game and it discusses the basic functions. The important concept is to feed your fish timely so that they will not die.  The Now lets move on to the Fishville tips.

#2. What fish to grow in your fish tank? In the early pace of the game, I suggest going for the fast growing fish. Mini Dart Gobies and Red Spot Cardinals are good choices and later on the Sardines too. OK, the trick here is to understand how much time the fish grows. Lets take the Mini Dart Goby that grows in 5 minutes.
This means that they will grow to the next stage/age of fish in 5 minutes and your have to feed them again within twice the grow time, so in the case of the Goby in the next 10 minutes, else the fish dies (which means lost coins and experience points)

Lets take the Hawaiian Hogfish that grows in 12 hours.
So this means that if you are growing Hawaiian Hog fish you have to login to Fishville in Facebook once every 24 hours to feed it properly.

I have observed that fish grows in stages and the experience points gained from selling a fish is at maximum at Age 4, so this is the best time to sell your fish.
I will discuss my Fish Choices for power leveling on the later part of this post.

#3. Another Fishville Tip is to Add Neighbors. Neighbors will be important as the game progresses because you need to have some number of neighbors when buying next fish tank (starts at level 10) without spending Fishville Sand Dollars (the paid monetary currency in Fishville)

#4. Next Fishville Tip is to use the Give Fish Love when it is available. Give Fish Love is like a free coins that they gave in Fishville on a daily basis.

Just click on the Give Fish Love (with the heart background) at the lower left side of your fish tank


#5. OK here is my Fishville Cheats on which fish to grow to level up faster. I have found an excel sheet courtesy of JustH8in and modified it with my other data calculation.
The important column here is to look for the EXP (experience points) per minute (or hour or day) per fish. As you can see here, fast growing fishes (those that grows in 3 minutes to 1 hour) give so many experience points. But the drawback here is that you have to be online in Facebook and Fishville every time (e.g. every 3 minutes for the sardine). I have color coded the sheet with
– Grey for Grow Time less than 1 hour (Fast)
– Green for Grow Time 2 hours to 8 hours (Medium)
– Red for Grow time greater than 8 hours (Slow)

So what is my Fishville cheat here? Just check the table above and calculate on your login and online time in Facebook. If you are a Facebook addict and log very much often then go for the fast fish (grey). If you are a casual Facebook user (once a day login) I suggest go for the slow growing fishes (in red)

#6. And lastly the ultimate one for the Fishville tips: Do not cheat! Why? Similar to what I advised on my Cafe World Cheats, Mafia Wars Cheats, Farm Town Cheats and Mybrute Cheats posts: Cheaters never win! Fishville is a social and fun filled game so what’s the need to cheat. Also again I recommend that you DO NOT run executable programs that supposedly will do some cheat and tricks for you and your fish tank. Many sites are offering these cheat engines and for your own safety: stay on the safe side. If you cannot determine if the file is good or bad (by knowing exactly what the file is doing on the file, system and registry level via reverse engineering, system monitoring, etc.) then DO NOT RUN or Install it in your personal computer. There are a lot of malware, keyloggers, and trojan downloaders out there that are veiled as cheat engines. Always be safe. OK?

Hope you like my Fishville Cheats and Tips post 🙂

If you like to view other Fishville Tips, feel free to visit: