Batangas Today is a news site that provides the latest happenings in Batangas and around the world. My blogger friend invited me to be a contributing staff for Batangas Today. I asked myself: Menard what’s your connect-ion to Batangas? I thought of six reasons (in tradition of my free six video and my other free six posts) to help me with my decision:
- My beloved province of Quezon shares border with Batangas province
- I always pass by Batangas when I go to Quezon for vacation and holidays
- I trace my roots to Batangas. I heard from my father and uncles that Osena’s are originally from the town of Mataas na Kahoy (Although this one needs a lot of researching in the future)
- I like to experience new things in blogging (collab blog)
- I like to meet new friends and interact more with the blogosphere (No Blog is an Island remember?)
- The one who invited me is Marhgil Macuha, how can I decline the invitation?
So the die is cast and I agreed to join! 🙂
Batangas Today discusses a lot of topics like Business, Education, Entertainment, Events, Lifestyle, Politics, Sports, Science, Technology and the World. I will probably posting a lot on Technology, as that’s my area of interest (and expertise hehe 🙂 ). But as this is a new blogging experience I am willing to try other topics to broaden my experience. Wish me luck with my Batangas Today adventures!
Kindly visit Batangas Today today!