Free WoW Cheats: Kinect + WoW is a Good Fitness Alternative


I remember that Kinect hacks were so hot last year. An open project company even offered hack bounty to lure developers to submit their open source drivers for MS Xbox 360 Kinect motion controller. I even heard that Microsoft was seriously considering suing those who would dare tamper their Xbox 360, as they want to protect Kinect motion controller since its their proprietary hardware.

Honestly, I lost track of the Kinect hack issue until I found the video below showing WoW: World of Warcraft being played using Xbox 360 Kinect, OpenNI and FAAST middleware.

As per video uploader description, FAAST or Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit is a middleware that facilitates integration of full-body control with games and other virtual reality applications. The middleware currently supports Microsoft Kinect using the OpenNI framework.

Video courtesy of Youtube and Evansuma

I find this video cool so I am sharing it here at

I am now convinced that World of Warcraft + Kinect will be good fitness activity alternative in the near future 🙂

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