DefConPH BeerTalk Manila on April 24


I’ve heard from a colleague that DefconPH will have their Beertalk in Manila this April 24. I’d love to come and be a noobie or a poser 🙂

Seriously, I would like to attend and join the fun but it seems I cannot make it that day (will post the reason when it’s already final). Hope I can be free by the annual DefConPH event in Cebu this June. Good luck to the presenters!

So what is DefCon? DefCon is the largest “underground” hacking convention held every year in Las Vegas. DefConPH is the Philippine counterpart of the DefCon International. Beertalk is a gathering and discussion on techie issues, over beer of course. Want to know more, kindly visit the DEFCONPH site.

DefconPH BeerTalk2 Details:

Grilla Paseo De Roxas Avenue Branch, Makati
Near Greenbelt

April 24, 2009 @ 1900 HRS PHT

Who Should Attend:
Everyone can attend not just IT enthusiasts. We mean everyone, humans on different fields like Feds, Lawyers, Salesman, anyone who are willing to learn what is going on with information security these days.

Registration Fee:
Early Php800.00 / Late Registration Php1500.00 includes DEFCONPH Official T-shirt, 2 Bottle of Booze and 2 Slice of Pizza

NOTE: Early Registration closes on April 12, 2009

Complete details here.

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