Another Pharma-related Spam SMS in the Philippines

Personal Experiences

I got another spam sms last week. I am labeling it as sms spam because they are unsolicited sms or text messages. Whats new with this sms spam? It is interesting to note that it is pharmacy related: meaning they are offering you some medicinal or food supplements.

Here is a sample of the sms message:

Control ur Appetite, Blood Sugar & Cholesterol- Detoxify & Lose Weight -F*****IFE! Money Back GUARANTEE. Call Anthony (02) 215-****

As per my previous pharmacy related sms spam post, I’m bleeping the company name and the contact number, but I’m posting the sender’s number: +639359775333

To the sender, if you want to complain to me and inquire why I am tagging you as spam, you can leave a note via my contact page

But for now, you send me SMS message and its unsolicited hence it’s a SPAM SMS.

If you also receive similar unsolicited sms messages, kindly leave some comments here.

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