Very Late Angry Birds Post


I’m a late bloomer Android dude so forgive me for sharing this Angry Birds vid so late (after it got some 9M+ hits already).

Got this from Youtube and if you have played Angry Birds via Android or iPhone or Symbian or Chrome or Google+ (or put all other supported devices and platforms here) you’ll get the point why most of us (if not all) love this video.


Video Credits: and Uploader Keshet
My fave moments and highlights:

Angry Blue Bird’s “Weeeeeeeh” at 0:26
Angry Black Bird’s eating habits from 0:30 and onwards
Pig’s amazement and “Huh” at 0:47
Angry Red Bird‘s “Say what?” at 0:50
<Bleep> off!!!” at 0:52
It’s all good!” at 1:02
Angry Birds theme song at 1:35
And the rest of video is all-out LOL moments already 🙂

I am also doing this post so that after viewing it (the Angry Birds Peace Treaty video) you will know what’s coming next when I say “Say what?” 🙂

Update 2012.02.09
The youtube video was taken down recently. Kindly view a copy of it below

Or search “angry birds peace treaty” in youtube