Shellshocked: Some Bash #Vuln Useful Links


Last week, I was “literally” fooling around with the bash bug by reposting 9gag images about it 🙂

and mashing it up with old movie flicks:

but by the end of the week things are getting a little bit serious as my colleagues found some live malicious files in the wild

As part of the usual sharing of good tech info to my blog readers and friend and as part of public service of a responsible netizen, here are some cool links about this vulnerability:

Infographic from TrendLabs on the Bash Bug aka Shellshock vuln


Some useful links too below:

All image/link credits to Trend Micro, TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog and CNN.

Before I end the post, the usual disclaimer/disclosure:
I work at Trend Micro. The information contained in this post is taken from Trend Micro website and TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. To know more on what I do full-time kindly visit my blog’s about page or visit my linkedin page. To read my blog’s disclosure policy, kindly visit my disclosure page.

For infosec, malware and tech (and not so techie) stuff, please follow me in Twitter 🙂

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