Got this sms spam and scam…
Basically it says that my account was charged with 200 pesos because I called and texted a roaming number. And to cancel this 200 pesos “charged” to my account, I need to send message to 808 containing a specified number (09120009743 in my case) <space> 200, and reply to YES to all prompts/message confirmation from my telco. Let me just take this opportunity to tell Mr./Ms. 09120009743 and 09226908240 that I eat spam, scam and the entire clan for breakfast. We all know that that set of instructions will just transfer 200 pesos to the account of the scammer. In Filipino this is like doing “PASA LOAD” 200 pesos to the scammer’s number 😀
Its been a long time since I posted about SMS Scam, but I will dissect this incident (and related developments, including the reply from my telco) in another post in soon. But today let me just do an awareness campaign against this Roaming Number Charges, Send 200 pesos to 808 Scam sms scam, and warn my friends and readers not to reply to that kind of sms messages.
Be vigilant and stay safe!